Fundraising Analytics. That's all we do.

Today’s fundraising environment demands that nonprofits do more with their data than simply collect it. Gambit Analytics can help your nonprofit leverage its data to make faster,  better fundraising and investment decisions.


Campaign Segmentation

Developing insights into which donors you’re talking to, understanding the characteristics and behaviors that signal high response likelihood to particular campaigns, developing models to make smarter choices about who to market, and selecting and delivering data for campaigns.

Predictive Modeling

Creating and implementing custom machine learning models to cluster and segment your file and identify donors who are highly likely to engage more deeply by upgrading their giving, becoming sustainers, major donors, planned givers, or reaching some other milestone in their donor journey.

File Health Audit

Custom audits of the health of your donor file, including compositional changes over time, identification of areas of strength, opportunity, and risk, unbiased assessments of investments and channel performance, and a full, value-based picture of how donors move through their donor journey with your organization.

Mail Plan Implementation

The process of selecting, suppressing, and outputting the right constituents for marketing campaigns can be complex and time-consuming. With more than 15 years of experience in this area, we can help with any part of the process, from auditing your existing selection instructions to directly implementing your plans and delivering to the production vendor.

Investment Analysis

Go beyond up-front results to gain deeper insights into how your investments are performing, when and why they break even, and how to change strategies when challenges and opportunities arise. We provide a full investment picture, from up-front results to LTV to help your organization maximize it’s return on investment.

Random Data Stuff

We don’t know all the questions you will want to ask of your data, but we’re ready to help you when these questions arise. From simple queries like “how many one-time donors did I convert to sustainer this June compared to last June?” to complex questions like “Given my current investments and flat performance, what will my file look like in 3 years?”, we are here to partner with you and help find answers.

Founder & Principal

Adam Rosenscruggs has more than 15 years of experience helping nonprofits make better decisions with data. In that time, he has experienced virtually every part of the fundraising data lifecycle, from data entry and CRM management to advanced analytics, machine learning, and multi-year forecasting. Adam has worked with organizations, both large and small, across virtually every sector:

International Relief
Abortion rights
LGBT Rights
Human Rights
Animal Welfare
Environmental Protection
Museums, Arts, and Culture
Youth Organizations
Homeless Services

Having spent his entire career helping nonprofits raise money more effectively, Adam has helped teams of all kinds across the organizations he has worked with, including:

Direct Marketing
Sustaining/Recurring Giving
Mid-Level Giving
Major Giving
Planned Giving
Corporate & Foundation Fundraising
Cross-Functional Strategic Planning
Analytics, BI, and Reporting
Database Management/CRM

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